Sultan Qaboos bin Said Net Worth

Net Worth:$900 Million
Date of Birth: November 19, 1940 - January 10, 2020 (79 years old)

What is Sultan Qaboos bin Said’s Net Worth?

Qaboos bin Said Al Said was the Sultan of Oman and its Dependencies who had a net worth of $900 million dollars at the time of his passing on 10th January 2020. Sultan was born in Salalah, Oman in November 1940.

He was the only child of his parents, Sultan Said bin Taimur and princess Mazoon al-Mashani. He joined the British Army’s first battalion, The Cameronians, after graduating from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.

In July 1970, Qaboos took the monarchy after a coup that saw the overthrow of his father. The Sultanate of Oman will henceforth be the name of the nation, according to Qaboos, which will no longer be known as Muscat and Oman.

He put in place a system of unquestionable monarchy. He frequently traveled the nation in order to hear from people directly. By enabling women to vote in legislative elections, he promised increased transparency and involvement.

He was given the International Peace Award in 1998 by the National Council on US-Arab Relations. He owns a 120-person orchestra and is a huge fan of classical music. He had a prior union with his cousin.

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