Fidel Castro Net Worth

Net Worth:$900 Million
Date of Birth: August 13, 1926 - September 25, 2016 (90 years old)
Height:6 ft 3 in (1.91 m)
Profession:Lawyer, Politician

What was Fidel Castro’s Net Worth?

Fidel Castro was a Cuban communist revolutionary and politician who had a net worth of $900 million at the time of his death in 2016. Even though Fidel mocked estimates of his wealth when he was still alive, various stories have surfaced that place the figure at a minimum of $500 million.

Later in this post, we provide more information about his alleged net worth. Fidel Castro held the positions of First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party for 45 years, Prime Minister of Cuba for 17 years, and President of the Cuban Council of State and Council of Ministers for 32 years.


He was born Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz on August 13, 1926, in BirĂ¡n, Oriente Province, Cuba. Castro, the illegitimate child of a prosperous farmer, became involved in leftist anti-imperialist politics while he was a law student at the University of Havana.

He first actively participated in uprisings against right-wing regimes in the Dominican Republic and Colombia before making an attempt to topple the Fulgencio Batista-led military junta in Cuba, which was supported by the United States. However, his vain effort to storm the Moncada Barracks ended in a year in jail in 1953.


After being freed, he traveled to Mexico and joined forces with his brother Ral and his comrade Che Guevara to create the 26th of July Movement, also known as “The Movement.”

After returning to Cuba, Castro organized and steered the Cuban Revolution, which resulted in Batista’s overthrow in 1959 and his own seizure of military and governmental authority as Cuba’s Prime Minister.

Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, along with their respective administrations, attempted to assassinate Castro through assassination attempts, an economic blockade, and counter-revolution, including the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.

However, they were unsuccessful. Castro built an economic and military relationship with the Soviets to give them permission to station nuclear weapons on the island as a precaution.

Cuba became the first one-party state in the Western Hemisphere in 1961 when Castro proclaimed the socialist nature of his government, making it. As a result, all aspects of Cuban life have undergone socialist reforms, and the country’s enterprises and industries have been nationalized.

Castro’s alliance with the Soviet Union and the Soviets’ placement of nuclear weapons in Cuba resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, which is regarded as one of the pivotal events of the Cold War.

Castro’s leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1979 to 1983, together with Cuban policies, his support of anti-imperialist revolutionary movements, and his endorsement of the Marxist governments in Chile, Nicaragua, and Grenada, raised the country’s prominence on the international scene.

Castro oversaw Cuba’s economic “Special Period” following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. He then formed partnerships with the Latin American Pink Tide and joined the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas in 2006.

In 2006, due to ill health, he delegated his duties to Vice-President Ral Castro, who took over as President in full two years later.

Castro served as the non-royal head of state for the longest period of time in the 20th and 21st centuries. His admirers saw him as a socialist and anti-imperialist leader whose revolutionary government achieved Cuba’s independence while advancing economic and social justice.

His detractors saw him as a brutal dictator whose rule was responsible for widespread departure of Cubans and violations of human rights. Until his passing on November 25, 2016, at the age of 90, Fidel Castro remained a contentious and divisive figure in the world.

That evening, his passing was broadcast on Cuban official television; the reason for his passing was never made public.

On November 26, 2016, he was cremated, and a funeral procession covered 900 kilometers (560 miles) down Cuba’s main route from Havana to Santiago de Cuba. His ashes were interred in the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery following nine days of public mourning.


Mirta Diaz Balart and Castro were wed from 1948 until their divorce in 1955. In September 1949, they gave birth to a son named Fidel Angel “Fidelito” Castro Diaz-Balart. The atomic energy commission was once led by Fidelito in Cuba, where he grew up, before his father had him removed. February 2018 saw the suicide of Fidelito.

Fidel had an affair with Natalia “Naty” Revuelta Clews while he was still married to Mirta, and she became pregnant with his daughter Alina Fernandez Revuelta. Alina fled Cuba in 1993 and applied for asylum in the United States while pretending to be a Spanish tourist.

From there, she has vocally opposed her father’s policies and the Cuban regime. Castro was well known for having one-night relationships with women, and as a result, three other children were born.

Here on Networthforum, we calculate all net worths using data drawn from public sources. We often incorporate tips and feedback from individuals or their representatives.

While we always strive to ensure that our figures are as accurate as possible, please note that they are only estimates, unless otherwise indicated.

This page is updated from time to time so that our readers will know the current net worth of Fidel Castro. So feel free to check back for the current Fidel Castro net worth in case of any updates on his net worth.

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