Viktor Yanukovych Net Worth

Net Worth:$100 Million
Date of Birth: July 9, 1950 (74 years old)
Height:1.93 m

What is Viktor Yanukovych’s net worth? How does Viktor Yanukovych make his money? Below is the current net worth of Viktor Yanukovych and how Viktor Yanukovych makes his money.

What is Viktor Yanukovych’s Net Worth?

Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych is a former politician of Ukraine who has a net worth of $100 million. He is popular for being a politician who served as the former president of Ukraine from 2010, in the Maidan Revolution in 2014, he was removed from office.

Early Life

On July 9, 1950, Yanukovych was born in the village of Zhukovka in the Donetsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union. Russian nurse and Polish-Belarusian train driver were parents of Viktor.

He had a very challenging upbringing, of which he once said, “My infancy was rough and starving. His mother was killed when he was two years old, and he also lost his father when he was an adolescent, so his Polish paternal grandmother raised him.

Yanukovych was given a three-year jail term on December 15, 1967, when he was 17 years old for partaking in theft and violence. On June 8th, 1970, he was found guilty on abuse counts.

When Yanukovych was freed from prison, he studied at the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute. In his second year, a tiny trucking branch of a coal mining firm elevated him to the position of director. He stays for the transport companies till 1996, changing positions frequently.


He began his career in politics in August 1996 when he was selected as a vice-head of the Donetsk Oblast Administration. On May 14, 1997, he was appointed to the post of governor or head of the administration.

When Anatoliy Kinakh resigned in 2002, he continued to hold that position until President Leonid Kuchma appointed him to the position of prime minister. Despite publicly supporting Ukraine’s membership in the European Union, Yanukovych’s cabinet was seen as having a tight political relationship with Russia in terms of international issues.

In 2004, while Yanukovych was still prime minister, he ran as a nominee for the party of Region in the contentious presidential race. The eastern and southern parts of Ukraine, which maintain tight connections with Russia, made up his main basis of advocacy.

During the first round of casting, which was held on October 31, 2004, Yanukovych came in second place with 39.3 percent of the vote to opposition leader Viktor Yuschenko, who received 39.8 percent. No candidate received more than 50% of the vote, and Viktor Yushchenko was declared the victor. The second round of voting was therefore organized.

The foreign power, Ukrainians, and international bodies have all accused one another of election rigging. The Orange Revolution, which was followed by massive protests, was named.

Yushchenko won the rerun-off with 51.9% of the vote, and Yushchenko lost with 51.9% after the Supreme Court of Ukraine later ruled that the results of the second round of voting were invalid. As a result of the Ukrainian parliament’s vote of no confidence in Yanukovych’s administration, Yanukovych stepped down from his position as prime minister.

Moreover, the political career of Yanukovych was not yet over, in 2005, the party region which was his party signed a collaboration agreement with the Russian political party, United Russia.

The Ukrainian parliamentary elections of 2006 were won by the Party of Regions. The Government Chiefs Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States chose Yanukovych to serve as its president in 2007.

During the 2009 presidential campaign, Yanukovych declared his intention to run. Both the party area and the Ukrainian Youth Party supported Yanukovych. Bank crime throughout the election was charged against Yanukovych.

A $100 million to $150 million budget was anticipated for his campaign. He was inducted and declared the winner in February 2010. Yanukovych declared his intention to reunite West and East Ukraine in response to the problem of unrest in the nation.

The majority of Ukrainians also believed that integration with the rest of Europe was not progressing swiftly, which prompted the Euromaidan rallies in November 2013. A temporary unity administration was to be formed, along with fresh elections, according to Yanukovych and the parliamentary protest leaders.

There was going to be an impeachment vote, but Yanukovych left the city of Kyiv before it could happen. 73 percent of Yanukovych’s parliamentary members voted him out in a vote that was held the next day. Ever since Yanukovych was removed from office, an armed coup took place in Ukraine and he remained the legal president of the country.

He has further aligned himself with Russia ever since then.

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