Sultan of Brunei Net Worth

Net Worth:$30 Billion
Date of Birth: July 15, 1946 (78 years old)

What is the Sultan of Brunei’s net worth? How does the Sultan of Brunei make his money? Below is the current net worth of the Sultan of Brunei and how the Sultan of Brunei makes his money.

What is the Sultan of Brunei’s Net Worth?

Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah is the Sultan of Brunei who has a net worth of $30 billion. In numeration, he is the 29th and the incumbent Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Brunei by the power vested on him as the Sultan of Brunei he is also the Prime Minister of Brunei.

According to monarchial history, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah (The Sultan of Brunei) is the second monarch with the longest reign while Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning monarch in history.

Early Life

On 15 1946, Hassanal Bolkiah was born in Istana Darussalam, Brunei Town into a royal family, as the first son and eldest among his siblings he was made the Crown Prince and officially he received the title Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

Being born into a wealthy and rich family he had a lot of privileges and had opportunities of attending the best school. For his education, he attended Victoria Institution in Kuala Lumpur and later enrolled in the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom he actually graduated from this Academy in 1967.


On 1 August 1968, Hassanal Bolkiah was coronated. He then became the Head of State of Brunei, being made the Sultan, Hassanal Bolkiah has the absolute authority he oversees the legislative, executive, and judiciary arms of government in Brunei.

Added to his already absolute authority, the Sultan is also the Prime Minister of Brunei, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Defence.

Being the Minister of Defence, he is the Commander of Chief of the Armed Forces of Brunei and an Honorary General in the British and Indonesian armed forces, and an Honorary Admiral in the Royal Navy. He is also the self-imposed Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the Royal Brunei Police Force.


The Sultan has received several accolades from different institutions such as the University of Oxford, England, UK, and the National University of Singapore.

Enforced Religion

The Sultan of Brunei 1991, initiated a new conservative dogma in Brunei which formally bestows him as the Defender of the Faith. In 2004, The Sultan reestablished the defunct Legislative Council that had been disbanded since 1962. In Brunei, the Sultan is the Head of Religion and the country is an Islamized country.

The Sultan built Mosques, and stations over the country for his subjects. The Sultan declared that all Islamic Festivals should be celebrated exotically and Fridays are designated for prayers in Brunei.

In 2014, Hassanal Bolkiah the Sultan of Brunei made a decree on the adoption of Islamic sharia penalties among the things listed were homosexuality and adultery the offenders of these crimes were to be sentenced to death by stoning. Subsequently, in 2015, he placed an injunction against the celebration of Christmas.

The Sultan of Brunei has a lot of hotels in his possession through the holding company which is known as Dorchester Collection. Brunei Investment Agency owns Dorchester Collection.

The Sultan of Brunei has a total number of eight hotels at different locations in the world.

Added to his large hotel’s acquisition, the Sultan of Brunei takes delight in acquiring exotic and expensive cars. The Sultan of Brunei has a total number of 7,000 cars.

Exorbitant Acquisitions

Hassanal Bolkiah has an amusement park that is known as the Jerudong Park, he also built a 1,788 opulent room palace, interestingly, this palace is the largest private home on earth. He has a Boeing 747, a private zoo that has 30 Bengal tigers in it. In addition to this, inside his palace, there is a wide-ranging polo multiplex.

It was reported that on his 50th birthday the Sultan paid an exorbitant price for the legendary Michael Jackson to make live performance at his party. His children are also notable for living flamboyant lifestyles like their father. His son the late Prince Azim while he was still alive gifted Mariah Carey jewelry through a private jet. Prince Azim was notable for holding white parties.

Personal Life

Hassanal Bolkiah the sultan of Brunei has a total number of 12 children and 18 grandchildren. He has been involved in some family feuds most especially with Prince Jefri Bolkiah due to his outrageous excesses and his poor international investments which constantly lead to the loss of billions in government money. Prince Jefri is popularly known as the “Playboy Prince” in Brunei.

After the introduction of the Sharia law and the penalties associated when found guilty of breaching the law, The Sultan faced a lot of criticism and backlash domestically and internationally. The Bruneians objected to this stating that the Sultan and the entire Bolkiah royal family are living an exorbitant lifestyle but yet their excesses are unconstrained.

Here on Networthforum, we calculate all net worths using data drawn from public sources. We often incorporate tips and feedback from individuals or their representatives.

While we always strive to ensure that our figures are as accurate as possible, please note that they are only estimates, unless otherwise indicated.

This page is updated from time to time so that our readers will know the current net worth of the Sultan of Brunei. So feel free to check back for the current Sultan of Brunei’s net worth in case of any update on his net worth.

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