Malia Obama Net Worth

Net Worth:$100 thousand
Nationality:United States of America

What is Malia Obama’s Net Worth?

Malia Obama is an American student who has a net worth of $100 thousand. Malia Obama was born in Chicago, Illinois in July 1998. Being the daughter of former First Lady Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama makes her the most well-known person in the world.

They were designated as Malia and Sasha “Time magazine’s list of the 25 teens who had the most influence in 2014. She graduated from Washington, D.C.’s exclusive Sidwell Friends School in 2016.

In the summers of 2014 and 2015, Obama had a job in a television studio in New York or Los Angeles. After completing her education, she took a year off, and in 2017 she would enroll at Harvard University.

Malia worked as a summer intern at the American Embassy in Madid, Spain, in 2016. Beginning in January 2017, Malia began working as an intern for Harvey Weinstein, a producer of Hollywood movies.

On the sets of the television shows Girls and Extent, she has also worked as an intern. Standing at 6’1”, she is very recognizable “.

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While we always strive to ensure that our figures are as accurate as possible, please note that they are only estimates, unless otherwise indicated.

This page is updated from time to time so that our readers will know the current net worth of Malia Obama. So feel free to check back for the current Malia Obama net worth in case of any update on her net worth.

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