Kofi Annan Net Worth

Net Worth:$5 Million
Date of Birth: April 8, 1938 - August 18, 2018 (80 years old)
Profession:Politician, Economist, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Diplomat and Author

What is Kofi Annan’s net worth? How does Kofi Annan make his money? Below is the current net worth of Kofi Annan and how Kofi Annan makes his money.

What is Kofi Annan’s Net Worth?

Kofi Annan was a Ghanaian diplomat who had a net worth of $5 million at the time of his death. Kofi Annan was born on April 8, 1938, in Kumasi, Ghana. The United Nations appointed Kofi Annan as its seventh Secretary-General. He began serving on January 1, 1997, making history as the first Secretary-General chosen from among the UN employees. As Secretary-General, Annan prioritized the following goals: reviving the UN through a comprehensive reform program; enhancing the Organization’s typical work in the areas of development and the maintenance of international peace and security; promoting human rights, the rule of law, and the universal values of equality, tolerance, and human dignity found in the UN Charter; and regaining the trust of the general public in the Organization by attracting fresh collaborators and, in his words, “bringing the United Nations closer to the people.

For “their struggle for a more structured and more peaceful world,” Annan and the United Nations shared the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. The Elders, an organization started by Nelson Mandela, is led by Kofi Annan. In order to assist in resolving the ongoing violence in Syria, Annan served as the UN-Arab League Joint Special Representative for Syria from February to August 2012. Annan resigned from the UN after growing impatient with its inaction to end the violence when the Syrian people sorely need action, there continues to be finger-pointing and name-calling in the Security Council.” On August 18, 2018, Kofi Annan passed away at the age of 80.

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While we always strive to ensure that our figures are as accurate as possible, please note that they are only estimates, unless otherwise indicated.

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