Juan Carlos Escotet Net Worth

Net Worth:$3.6 Billion
Date of Birth: July 23, 1959 (65 years old)
Height:1.88 m
Nationality:Spanish, Venezuelan

What is Juan Carlos Escotet’s net worth

Juan Carlos Escotet is a Venezuelan businessman who has a net worth of $3.6 billion. He was birthed on the 23rd of July 1959 in Madrid and later bagged a master’s degree in professional management science from the University of Miami School of Business at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.

Juan Carlos Escotet has succeeded in navigating the challenging business climate in Venezuela to take the helm of the Banesco bank.

With branches in Panama, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Colombia, and the United States, Banesco was established in 1992 and is currently one of the biggest banks in South America.

When it comes to Juan’s professional history, he began working as a messenger for Banco Union at the age of 17, when he was still a university student studying economics.

He established Casa de Bolsa Escotet Valores, a firm that manages money, in 1986. He later added banking services in 1991 and gradually increased his product line to include insurance during the following years.

Escotet is married and has four children. He resides in A Coruña, Spain.

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While we always strive to ensure that our figures are as accurate as possible, please note that they are only estimates, unless otherwise indicated.

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