Net Worth: | $6 Billion |
Gender: | Male |
What is Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair’s Net Worth?
Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair is a United Arab Emirates businessman and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $6 billion. The Al Ghurair family, which founded the Al Ghurair Group, includes Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair.
Abdulla started Mashreqbank in 1967 which is currently one of the top banks in the UAE. The bank’s CEO is Abdul Aziz, the son of Abdulla, who also serves as chairman, founder, and president.
On a list of wealthy people in the United Arab Emirates, Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair is listed as being second in fortune. A Stanford University MBA is what he received upon graduation. Abdullah oversaw Hewlett-Middle Packard’s Eastern commercial division.
The family company is divided among his four brothers. In the 1990s, Saif Ahmad and Abdullah made the decision to divide the Al Ghurair Group into two businesses. Al Ghurair Investment’s chairman was Abdullah bin Ahmad Al Ghurair.
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